2 Step Equations Worksheets with Answers for Pre-Algebra

These free printable worksheets are for students learning to solve 2 step equations. Each problem has a combination of multiplication and either addition or subtraction. Division will also be used to find the final answer. Answers are on the second page.

Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3 Worksheet 4

For more practice or detailed explanation on solving equations, try our Pre-Algebra Skill Building Workbook. Topics include: solving 1 step equations and 2 step equations, negative numbers, exponents, factors, multiples, fractions, decimals, and more.

For more practice or help with other pre-algebra topics, try our workbooks.

Pre-Algebra Workbook with Explanations, Examples, Practice Problems and Solutions
Mastering Fractions Workbook with Factors and Multiples