Big Book of Math Practice Problems, Fractions and Decimals
Thousands of Fraction and Decimal Practice problems. Solutions Included.
Big Book of Math Practice Problems: Fractions and Decimals
Practice Workbook on Fractions and Decimals with Solutions
Unlock your child’s potential with our math workbook that is designed to help them excel in fractions and decimals. Our workbook contains over 3,500 math problems that are arranged in a progressive order, starting with fractions and moving on to decimals, with a final section on percentages. The types of problems include simplifying and comparing fractions, fraction arithmetic, converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions, converting fractions and decimals, decimal arithmetic, rounding decimals, percent and more. Solutions are included to help your child check their work and learn from their mistakes. Our workbook is recommended for Grade 4, Grade 5 and Grade 6 students.
This workbook is designed to build a strong foundation for independent learning. The carefully arranged problems and chapters are designed to empower young minds to progress with confidence. The clutter-free learning spaces provide ample room for problem solving practice.