
Learn About Isograms – Word Building Activity

An Isogram, otherwise known as a “nonpattern word”, is just a fancy way of referring to a word or phrase that has no repeating letters. This particular activity not only introduces the child to Isograms but includes a little general spelling practice as well as an Arts and Crafts component. It is a great way for a child to take …

reading comprehension word problem with battery worksheet

Reading Comprehension Word Problem: Lab Experiment 3

This free children’s worksheet is the 3rd part of a 3 part series which combines scientific experiment with word problems.  Exercises like these are a great bridge between early learning and the sometimes intimidating world of lab experimentation.

reading comprehension word problems

Reading Comprehension Word Problem: Pizza Party

As our subject matter becomes more and more technical and complex, it becomes increasingly important for children to learn to read carefully and re-read a passage in order to fully grasp the subject matter.  An overlap between reading comprehension and word problems can be a great exercise to instill good reading habits.

reading comprehension word problem with battery worksheet

Reading Comprehension Word Problem: Lab Experiment 2

This worksheet is the second part of a three part reading comprehension word problem series.  The set is designed as a STEM resource with an introduction to scientific experiment as well as traditional word problems.

homophones worksheet

Homonym / Homophone Science Facts, Worksheet 3

There are many words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.  Those words are called homophones and interchanging them in our writings can wreak havoc on an otherwise perfect sentence or paper. Because they can slip through our filter of grammar and spell checkers, it is very important to provide our children with as much homophone exposure …

homophones worksheet

Homonym / Homophone Science Facts, Worksheet 2

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. We all make a mistake from time-to-time and interchange a ‘too’ for a ‘two’ or a ‘there’ for a ‘their’, but there are literally hundreds of other words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Those words are called homophones and while our children’s …

homophones worksheet

Homonym / Homophone Science Facts, Worksheet 1

Due to the advent of computers with grammar and spell check ability, many of us might think our children may not need to focus on those skills quite as much as we did when we were younger. Unfortunately homophones are immune to most of the tools we use to clean up our writings.  Homophones are words that sound the same …

read and write numbers

Read and Write Numbers (11 through 20)

Number and number word writing practice worksheet for the numbers 11 through 20. This worksheet is recommended for children learning to write and spell numbers.

read and write numbers

Read and Write Numbers (0 to 100 by 10’s)

Download our worksheet for number writing practice – numbers 0 through 100, counting by 10’s. This worksheet is for spelling and writing numbers and also helps in learning to count up to 100.

read and write colors

Read and Write Color Words

Color words worksheet for writing and spelling practice to help children read the color names and remember how to spell and write them.

alphabet trace and write uppercase

Alphabet Trace and Write – uppercase

Letter writing practice printable page for uppercase letters –  Trace the letters then write them in the space below the traced ones. Download and print this free worksheet. We also have free printable for lowercase letters.

trace and write alphabet lowercase

Alphabet Trace and Write – lowercase

This page is for letter writing practice. Trace the letters then write them in the space below the traced ones. Download and print this free worksheet. We also have free printable for uppercase letters.

blank lined paper writing practice

Blank, Lined Writing Practice Sheet

While we produce many different types of printable educational materials specific to math, science, reading etc., sometimes children just need some space to write or practice words and sentences on their own! Use and print our blank, lined writing pages as often as you like.